The 2nd Asia-Pacific Agriculture Climate Services Week

30th November – 3rd December & 7th December 2021

10 a.m. to 1 p.m. (Bangkok Time)

Online (zoom meeting)

Total 14
Number Title Author Date Votes Views
Pre and Post Cyclonic Agromet Advisories in Bangladesh
Aziz Mazharul | 2021.11.29 | Votes 1 | Views 853
Aziz Mazharul 2021.11.29 1 853
Climate Outlook Forum for One Health
Gabrielle Iglesias | 2021.11.29 | Votes 0 | Views 820
Gabrielle Iglesias 2021.11.29 0 820
Promoting Climate Resilient Agriculture Practices
Sangay Chophel | 2021.11.26 | Votes 0 | Views 920
Sangay Chophel 2021.11.26 0 920
VEDA Climate Change Solutions Ltd (VCCSL)
Satyanarayana Masabathula | 2021.11.26 | Votes 1 | Views 1286
Satyanarayana Masabathula 2021.11.26 1 1286